Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Getting ready for England

I'm testing sending pictures to my blog from my BB. If this works and my BB can find a web connection, then I'm set.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Anglin Falls

Beverly hopped in the car today thinking I had a plan. As we started out of the driveway she asked where are we going? "I don't know." Earlier in the week, Paula said something about Anglin Falls. I had looked it up and Anglin Falls outside of Berea became our destination.

Keeping to our no interstates rule, we routed through Harrodsburg, Danville, Lancaster, and Berea: Google Map.

The trail was short (about 1.25 miles round trip). Mostly it was easy to moderately strenuous. As we were leaving, a young woman was attempting to free climb the face of a boulder, but there was nothing technical or intimidating about the trail anywhere along it. The last 150 yards or so it became significantly steeper and more rocky. A bit of scrambling over some fallen boulders and we made our way around and behind the falls where not much water was actually falling today. I hope that's not a sign of a dry summer. I guess you could call this picture "Find Beverly". She's sitting and enjoying the sun and scenery.

There were lots of wildflowers. Some of the highlights were: Jack-in-the-pulpit, False Rue Anemone, Violets, Trillium, Dutchman's-breeches, and Wood Poppy. I didn't have my wildflower book and misidentified the Rue Anemone. After admitting I couldn't claim even amateur status a helpful couple on the trail straightened me out. (I remember spring excursions around western Kentucky with my Dad who seemed to know every wildflower. I picked up some, but not enough.)

I am posting GPS logs of trails I've taken at GPSies.com. Again, I have to force Google Maps to take our back roads route. The trail map for Anglin Falls may help you find it.
Happy walking and driving.

Saturday, April 03, 2010


Travel plans

Last weekend was a travel bust. This weekend, we are waiting for a new range to be delivered (hopefully this morning). Beverly was listening to the radio and there was something about Cave-in-Rock, Wickliffe Mounds, and other western Kentucky destinations. It looks like that is on the agenda. We'll have to do some planning on this one as I think that would more than just a long day trip. We'll see.

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